Things to Do

Fujikoto Harvest Dance Festival

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Hear the clanging of armor as townsmen dance and parade in the streets with fake horse costumes.

Fujikoto Harvest Dance Festival

Categories:   Traditional, Things to Do

This two-day festival in Fujisato Town is most famous for the koma odori horse dance, which is performed by local townsmen throughout both days. The koma odori is a 400-year-old traditional dance. Dancers must wear fake armor and hold fake horses as they hop from one foot to the other to the rhythm of the music. Come and watch as they parade and dance from morning to night. Visitors can also enjoy other performances throughout the day, and enjoy delicious festival food.

There are no train stations within walking distance to this festival. However, free parking is available throughout the area. The festival takes place throughout the town, and is centered around Asama Shrine.

Festival Dates: 7 & 8 September 2022


Postal Code
Asama Shrine, 3-Umazaka, Fujikoto, Fujisato, Yamamoto, Akita
Free Parking Available

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